Small Schools Solutions
Small schools have unique challenges. Developing a robust student support provision can feel daunting. Staff turnover, enrollment changes, and budget concerns all impact the realities on the ground. I've designed a solution for small schools to build and retain a Student Support Program while addressing their unique challenges. I work as a remote Student Support Coordinator, facilitating and leading the work, while empowering your team with the tools needed to implement UDL principles and inclusive practices. This solution is financially viable and still fosters growth and sustainability within the school.
Some small schools decide to contract these services as a group, each contributing a set amount of funds to the overall services and sharing the staff training. Other schools contract the services individually. My approach is flexible to the needs and budget of the school.
I've seen it work:
I walked hand in hand with Khartoum American School as they navigated how to build their student support with their small, displaced community. The results have been remarkable. The school has been able to retain and serve students they could not have without a student support program. The staff has learned how to implement UDL practices/inclusive practices that have benefitted all their students. We developed an alternative path to graduation, and I had the pleasure of watching that amazing student walk the stage in June 2024.
Send me an email or fill out the form here so we can explore how I can support your small school community.
Staff Training: UDL and Tiered Support
Creation and Monitoring of Student/Individual Learning Plans
Develop Alternative Paths to Graduation
Provide Tier 3 support and Liase with Specialists
Facilitate Parent Meetings
Implement Frameworks and Systems
Inquire here for prices, timing, and specific curated services designed for your school