What We Offer

Lauren Jones Consulting is committed to helping schools on their journey toward supporting a broad range of diverse student needs. More Inclusive schools are a benefit to all students that are part of the community. I am honored to support schools as they explore existing structures and areas for growth. My background and experience give me a unique perspective, and my strength of working with people allows me to join teams as a consultant and quickly understand dynamics and cultures. I am here to facilitate the growth schools want for themselves.: to ask questions, to challenge, and to bring to light a way forward towards more equitable and inclusive communities. I look forward to working with your team.

Student Support Audit

Lauren will conduct a full-scale audit of the Learning Support Program at your school. Interviews with a comprehensive range of stakeholders, along with observations, and review of policies, procedures, staffing needs, and records will help provide the information needed to understand the current programming and the steps needed to expand Inclusion and provide services for a more diverse group of learners.  Lauren will provide specific outcomes and next steps, along with proposed ongoing consulting services as needed. Audits are Individualized to meet the school's desired outcomes and needs. 

Schedule a call today to discuss how I can support your school.

Development of Alternative Paths to Graduation and Post Graduation Planning

As schools become more inclusive, they need to find alternative paths to graduation that best meet their students' needs.  Whether you are developing an occupational track, or a track requiring fewer- credits, we can help you customize your programming to your unique context and student population. '

Students with learning needs often need specific post graduation planning and support.  We are here to help you develop a plan for a seamless transition through graduation and beyond. 

Professional Development

We are passionate about professional learning and growth.  We work with schools to curate specific professional developments that meet contextual needs and achieve the outcomes desired. Potential areas for professional development Include:

Trauma Informed Practices and Behavior Management Support

Lauren's career has been largely spent utilizing trauma-informed practices and utilizing a variety of behavior management tools to achieve the best outcomes for students.  Lauren can support your school In developing systems and structures that are mindful, proactive, and student-centered to support both a trauma-informed approach or behavior management support. Lauren will liaise for Individual cases or system-wide structural development as needs are identified by schools. 

Consulting with Student Support Team

Perhaps you have a small team, or your team needs specific support.  Lauren will step in and collaborate with your student support team to achieve the best outcomes for the students at your school.  Feel free to reach out about specific needs and we will customize a plan of support for your team or school.